Kamloops Apartment and Condo Security – Part 1: Tips 1 to 5
While we‘re all aware of theft in Kamloops, apartment and condo security is often overlooked and many crimes could be prevented. We are often the victims of crime due to complacency and a false sense of security. On the nightly local news, we hear of break-ins occurring in our city, and even in our own neighbourhoods, but sometimes we overlook some basic security items and forget that it can happen to us.
The first thing Kamloops condo and apartment residents need to realize is that break-and-enter and other property crime is something that can happen to anyone. Though apartments or condos are often thought of as safer and more secure than a house — they are only as safe as you make them. As the saying goes “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link”.
Here is a startling fact from the 2015 Corporate Services and Safety Department (PDF) of Kamloops Annual Report:
In 2016, there were 5,941 crimes against property in Kamloops – up from 5,255 in 2014 (an increase of 13.1%).
Our Kamloops Apartment Complex Security
At Summit Village Residences, we take building and tenant security and safety seriously. The following are security measures we take to protect you:
- Security cameras in all common areas including parking lots and fitness room.
- Electronic FOB entry for building and amenities entrances.
- Full-time Building Manager.
As safe as Summit Village Residences is, as with all Kamloops apartments and condominiums, each of us has a part to play in ensuring the ongoing security of our building and its occupants.
We hope that this article helps you ensure that you are not the proverbial weakest link — putting your neighbours and their belongings at risk.
Security Tips for Kamloops Condo and Apartment Residents
- Never allow strangers into the building as you enter or leave.
This is the #1 tip because it is one of the easiest, most common ploys thieves use to gain entry. If a stranger is hanging around the entrance and grabs the door behind as you enter or exit, ask them if they live in the building. If they say “Yes”, tell them that you don’t recognize them and because of our security rules, you cannot let them in. You may feel uncomfortable doing so – thinking to yourself “What if they are a tenant?”, but, if they live in the building they’ll have a FOB for entry.If they say they are visiting a friend or a unit, explain the rule again and ask them to buzz the unit to be let in. If they continue to enter the building on their own (i.e. have grabbed the open door and proceeded to walk in), call security. - Never buzz someone in if you don’t know them.
Another ploy thieves use to gain entry to a Kamloops condo complex or apartment building is impersonating someone via the intercom. They may buzz your apartment and say they have a delivery for a certain unit who is not answering; are from the telephone company; or, are a building plumber or electrician. The bottom line: if you personally do not know them, don’t allow them entry to the building. Tell them to contact the unit they have business with or our Building Manager.If the person buzzing poses as a person of authority, even the police, meet them at the door and confirm their identity. - Never leave entrance doors propped open.
While it’s tempting to prop open a door when moving things to and from your apartment (whether moving in, out, or carrying packages) do not prop open the door while you make trips back and forth. It only takes a few seconds of inattention for a would-be thief to slip inside. - If you see an entrance door, or any interior facilities door propped open, close it.
- Lock apartment doors, windows and balcony doors.
When you are home alone lock your door. If you are leaving your apartment, lock the door, windows and balcony door. This is particularly important for ground, first, and second floor apartments, but break-and-entry artists have been known to perform “Spiderman” break-ins by climbing several stories up.
Read Kamloops apartment security tips 6-10.
Looking for a Kamloops Apartment or Condo?
If you, or someone you know is are hunting for a Kamloops apartment for rent, consider Summit Village Kamloops. Our secure apartments are located within walking distance of Thompson Rivers University and many local amenities such as shopping and restaurants.